Black Friday Detox (and a Recipe for Homemade Turkey Stock)

Undoubtedly, there was some over-indulging that happened yesterday, as there is with every holiday, when bowls and platters keep pouring out of the kitchen until there is hardly room on the table for even the place settings. With knees bumping under the table, we proceed to pile our plates high, sampling every dish, until our plates resemble […]

Thanksgiving Pies (Pumpkin and Chocolate)

My husband has a lot of great memories of his grandma; many of those memories are of the amazing food she created in her humble kitchen, including the fresh, homemade goodies she had on-hand for her grandkids everytime they stopped by. When I first talked to my husband about trying to bake a gluten-free pie for Thanksgiving, he asked if I could do a chocolate […]

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Rain, rain go away… it’s been one of those kinds of days. But who am I kidding, really! It’s only the beginning of our cold season here. I know we have at least nine months of boot wearing, puddle jumping, wet weather ahead, so I might as well accept it, hunker down, and get baking. About this time of year […]

November’s Vegetable Garden, and Five Ways to Eat Your Greens

The frost has made itself comfortable in our vegetable garden now that the sun is not quite so close to us in the northern hemisphere. Such is the nature of seasonal living. All that remains in our garden are stocks of green, stretching up toward the sky, seeking a glimmer of sun to continue in their chlorophyll-driven pursuit of […]

On Tending Gardens and Children

As you read this title, I can imagine you are thinking to yourself, “How does a gardening and gluten-free food blog end up with thoughts on parenting?!” Well if you’re still reading, I’ll tell you why… because my family fuels much of what I do. I didn’t really think much about growing food until I started growing […]