Kefir: Creating a Living Food

It’s been a crazy couple of months. Thank you, my friends, for bearing with me… Between days of intensive (and therapeutic) gardening, these last few months have been filled unexpected renovations, as well as loss for me and my family, and several of my friends. It has been a time of  displacement, uncertainty, and a lack of sleep […]

Easy Homemade Yogurt

I bumped into a friend a couple of weeks back. She was asking about my blog, and specifically about Kombucha. This led to a quick discussion on fermented foods and their health benefits. She proceeded to tell me that she’s been making yogurt lately, (which is really just fermented milk), using a recipe she got from her mom. She […]

Frequently Asked Fridays: What is Kombucha?

One of my goals for 2014 was to start making and eating fermented foods (and drinks), and I’ve done it! I have successfully brewed my first batch of kombucha tea. It all began several weeks ago when a very generous friend of a friend offered me a scoby from one of her batches of tea. I had been wanting […]

On Moving, Friends, and a Recipe for Kombucha

Our move was wonderfully chaotic! Friends and family helped lighten the load, and by the end of the day we all had beds to sleep in. We said goodbye to a place of many memories (two of our kiddos were born in that house!), an established garden, and the conveniences (and annoyances) of our suburban neighborhood; we […]

Fermented Oatmeal Muffins

Fermenting is something I have on my ‘to do’ list for 2014. I came across this recipe from Larissa over at Love and Green Juice, and figured this was a really simple way to begin my fermenting journey. (Larissa has a lovely blog; you should take a peak at what else she’s been up to!) The recipe suggested […]