Good Bye, Peach Tree

Good bye, peach tree. Your blossoms this year were beautiful. Good bye, fig tree, with your buds swelling just bellow the surface, ready to burst. Good bye, little apple tree. How we waited patiently each summer for your fruit to ripen. Good bye, Italian plum tree. You almost didn’t make it, but we nursed you back, […]

November’s Vegetable Garden, and Five Ways to Eat Your Greens

The frost has made itself comfortable in our vegetable garden now that the sun is not quite so close to us in the northern hemisphere. Such is the nature of seasonal living. All that remains in our garden are stocks of green, stretching up toward the sky, seeking a glimmer of sun to continue in their chlorophyll-driven pursuit of […]

Summer In September

Just when I thought the kitchen chaos was slowing down, my aunt gifted me a ten pound bowl of Italian prune plums from her backyard tree. Although August is gone, there are technically still several weeks of summer left in September, and this year, our weather insists that we take notice. Humid heat is hovering in the 30C (90F) range, and means that […]

Savory Zucchini Chutney

Zucchini is something I have in abundance right now in the garden. Almost daily, we are picking slender green zucchini from the three plants we have. At least once a week, especially when we haven’t been poking around for a couple of days, we find a giant, hidden under the foliage, awaiting to be uncovered […]

Schobel Supp: Summer Bean Soup

Schobel Supp in low-German, or bean soup, is a food closely connected to childhood memories in my grandma’s kitchen, stirring a pot on the stove, or measuring out ingredients into a bowl. My grandma always had a collection of aprons hanging along side her fridge, and she would always let me choose which one I […]