The Well Stocked Gluten-Free Pantry (Part Three): Grain-Free Flours and Fillers

If gluten-free is the buzzword of the modern food world, grain-free is its quirky, all or nothing, determined little cousin. Diets, such as Paleo and Primal, have been designed around the idea of eliminating grains (a.k.a. unnecessary calories) from one’s diet. Although it may be another fad, the concept might be worth the consideration. While not all grains are […]

The Well Stocked Gluten-Free Pantry (Part Two): Starches and Binders

Starches and binders have the unique ability to hold a lot of liquid, and are valuable when cooking and baking gluten-free. Many starches and binders also act in a similar manner to gluten, and can help to bind the liquids and the flours together, creating a sticky dough, and fluffy (as opposed to crumbly) baking. These starches and binders are […]

Making Homemade Pumpkin Puree

Making Homemade Pumpkin Puree is really very simple, and the flavor is worth the effort. It just takes a little time. Choose pumpkins that are characteristically sweet, and have a lot of flesh. While the puree may be primarily used in baking, it can also be incorporated into soups and stews to add thickness and earthy flavor. In fact, save the pumpkin water […]

Buckwheat Oatmeal Cookies

It’s hot out today. I hadn’t really intended to turn on the oven, but the kids devoured the granola bars I had made for lunches, so I wanted to make something for their lunchboxes. I’ve been playing around with this recipe lately, and it is delicious both with the raisins and the chocolate chips. In this recipe, […]

My “Cup for Cup” Gluten-Free Flour Winner (and a muffin recipe)

Before I began eating gluten-free, I loved to bake. Lunchboxes for school and work were filled with regular homemade muffins and cookies, and on weekends, we often indulged fresh-baked bread and sweets. Following a gluten-free lifestyle seemed to mean I would no longer enjoy such indulgences. I tried many recipes and combinations but was not satisfied […]