20 Great Gift Ideas for the Gardener in Your Life

Top Twenty Gardening Ideas for Gardeners


There are a lot of birthdays coming up in our circle of family and friends in the next couple of months. Not surprisingly, a lot of them are interested in gardening. I decided to compile a list of gift ideas for gardeners of all abilities, partly for my own use, and also as a help to any of you who might need an idea as to what to get for the gardener in your life. (My apologies for the spoiler alert to all of my friends and family who have birthdays in the next few months!)


Top Twenty Gifts for Gardeners


1. Several packets of seeds or bulbs, and a pair of gardening gloves.

2. A bar of soap, soothing hand salve, and a hand towel.

3. Decorative wooden markers to label plants or herbs in the garden. Whether bought or homemade, these will be a great addition to any garden.

4. A sprouting kit to grow salad sprouts at home.

5. A calendar or guide as to when to plant in your area. If you can’t find one in a garden store or book store, look up your area’s gardening zone online, and then print and frame it.

6. A trowel, a hand rake or cultivator, and a foam pad to kneel on.

7. A potted flower arrangement or plant that can be replanted outdoors. This could be anything from potted daffodils to a rosemary plant or hydrangea bush.

8. Several gardening magazines, or a subscription to a favorite. Whether it is patio gardening, homesteading, or flower gardening, there is a magazine for pretty much anything.

9. A pot with one or several herbs planted in it for an indoor herb garden.

10. A comprehensive gardening book for a beginning gardener. Sugar Snaps and Strawberries by Andrea Bellamy is a great book to get started with.

11. A promise to help build a raised bed, hoop house, or another project. YouTube has great instructional videos for projects like these in case you need a helping hand.

12. A beautiful vase to display the flowers your gardener grows.

13. A mason bee kit. Bees are essential to help pollinate the flowers, fruit and vegetables in a garden. This is a great way to ensure pollination.

14. A full spectrum light to help with starting plants indoors. While a ledge by a southern facing window is good, a full spectrum light ensures plant starts are healthy and strong right from the beginning.

15. A gift certificate to a gardening workshop or course in your area. Send them to one they have had their eye on, or plan to go together.

16. A fermenting crock to help preserve all those home-grown veggies.

17. A soil blocking tool. This is for a more serious gardener who starts a lot of seeds. This tool prepares a brick of soil so that plastic containers are no longer necessary to start plants in.

18. A load of compost or mulch. Throw in the delivery too, if you have a pick up truck.

19. Sharing the abundance of your own garden. This could be a basket of fruit or vegetables, divided plants, saved seeds or even plant starts.

20. A fruiting or flowering tree. This is sure to bring enjoyment for years to come!


Have you received a memorable gardening gift? Do you have any other gift ideas? I’d love to hear from you!






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