Five Backyard Crops that will Save You Cash!

Eating organic produce can be expensive; it might even feel like the cost outweighs the benefits! However, if you plant your garden strategically, you will be able to produce and enjoy bountiful, organic produce from your own backyard. Not to mention, save yourself some hard earned dollars! Here are five easy-to-grow crops that will set you on the path to […]

Our Seventh Annual Christmas Eve Fondue

When Little Foodie was four, he had his first crush. We were sitting around the table, all taking turns dipping into the fondue pot. We have a silly little rule, that if you drop a piece of food into the fondue, you have to kiss the person sitting next to you. He purposefully dropped one of his […]

Black Friday Detox (and a Recipe for Homemade Turkey Stock)

Undoubtedly, there was some over-indulging that happened yesterday, as there is with every holiday, when bowls and platters keep pouring out of the kitchen until there is hardly room on the table for even the place settings. With knees bumping under the table, we proceed to pile our plates high, sampling every dish, until our plates resemble […]

Quinoa and Sage Stuffing

A week from today, Canadians everywhere will be celebrating Thanksgiving. Traditionally, it is a holiday celebrating the year’s harvest, and moving forward, a more restful season. (Which, as home gardeners and food preservers, it still is!) It is most commonly celebrated by gathering family around the table, and enjoying all of fall’s bountiful colors and flavors. While […]

Pear Crumble with Lemon and Nutmeg

Pears are often an overlooked fruit. Preceded by the prized peach, and competing with what might be the most popular fruit, the apple, pears tend to get little recognition. They can stunningly sweet when ripe, and are lovely in desserts, compotes, or chutneys, They can lend a subtle, sweet note to otherwise savory dishes as well. Not only do I absolutely love pears, they inevitably bring me […]

Five Minute Chicken Marinade

One of our family’s weeknight staples is chicken. I like to prepare a large batch at once so that we have a substantial protein on hand throughout the week for quick lunches and suppers. Trimming and cutting the chicken breasts into smaller pieces (approx. 4 or 5 pieces per chicken breast) means that the meat does not […]