Local Sips and Eats in Hood River, Oregon

  Hood River, Oregon is a vibrant little town about a forty-five minute drive east of Portland. We have dear friends that live there, and when the opportunity arose for us to leave the sprouts with the grandparents, Mr. Green Thumb and I jumped in the truck and headed south. Since it’s about a six hour drive from the […]

A Day at the Market with One Love Farm

I’m up earlier than normal on a Saturday, but nothing like the farmer (my bro-in-law) I am here to help. He has been up before dawn. Three in the morning actually – this Saturday, and every Saturday that he is at the farmer’s market . It is passion and dedication that drives Farmer Chris to produce organically grown vegetables, herbs, and flowers […]

Our Adventures In Maui: Part Three (I Promise, it’s the Last One!)

I feel like I’ve already dragged this out long enough, but I just had to include a few more amazing places to eat and see that I couldn’t squeeze into my last two posts. We had an incredible time in Maui, playing with our kids and exploring new terrains. In all, we put 600 miles on our minivan […]

Our Adventures In Maui: Part Two

In case you’re in need of a virtual vacation, or could use some tips planning one of your own, here are a few more thoughts from our family’s recent trip to Maui. Our vacation focused around South Maui, which has the most consistently sunny weather of the entire island. However, there are little communities all over the island, tucked into shoreline coves, […]

Our Adventures In Maui: Part One

Traditionally, gifts of tin are given for the tenth anniversary; more recently, diamonds have become the gift of choice. Mr. Green Thumb and I decided to venture off the beaten path, and planned a trip to Maui to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary! In a brave moment, we decided to bring all four kiddos with us! (Not to mention that […]