Pullet Eggs and an Egg Conversion Chart

Several more of our pullets, the chickens less than a year old, have started laying. I’m hoping that the sun keeps shining to encourage the other girls to lay too, before the darker winter months set in. Sunrise to sunset is at twelve hours now, so I’m hoping they will start laying soon! Their eggs have a […]

Apple Almond Cardamom Cake (SCD / GAPS / Paleo)

The rain has finally come to the southwestern coast of BC. What has felt like months of unusually hot, dry summer weather has come to an end. It’s time to think again about the foods and flavors that warm us up from the inside out. Gala and Ambrosia apples are perfectly ripe at the moment, […]

15 Minute Gluten Free Granola Bars (GF / DF)

It’s the night before the first day of school. My two oldest sprouts are heading back to school with mixed feelings about their teachers, classes and another year of hard work. I’m feeling the pressure of another year of healthy, homemade lunches and snacks. I don’t know who is more nervous, me or them! Over the last week, I’ve […]