Fermented Oatmeal Muffins

Fermenting is something I have on my ‘to do’ list for 2014. I came across this recipe from Larissa over at Love and Green Juice, and figured this was a really simple way to begin my fermenting journey. (Larissa has a lovely blog; you should take a peak at what else she’s been up to!) The recipe suggested […]

The Well Stocked Gluten-Free Pantry (Part Four): Nuts, Seeds, and Dried Fruits

Nuts are naturally gluten free, and contain healthy fats and protein. Their flavors enhance baking, sauces, salads, dips and smoothies, They can be turned into nut milks, nut flours, or nut butters. They can be used raw, or roasted. However nuts are used, they are a delicious way to add extra nutrients and flavor to any dish, or they can be […]

Gluten Free Waffles the Whole Family will Love!

My brother-in-law avoids wheat to help manage his arthritis, and we often commiserate, being the only two ‘wheat-free-ers’ in the family. Recently he was lamenting the fact that it was so hard to resist the batch of ‘regular’ waffles he had made for his family, that he had given in and eaten some, and then paid for it! So I told him […]

Ginger Lemon (Cold Remedy) Tea

I love the holidays; Christmas and New Years are wonderful occasions to celebrate with family and friends. However, this time of year also seems to add extra stress, busyness, and lack of sleep. (Even if they are all for good reasons!) This, along with the added sugar in my diet, and it’s no surprise that I’ve had a tickle […]