Sugar Free Weekdays

I’ll admit it… I’m stuck in a rut! Somehow, I have allowed myself to incorporate sweets into mine and my family’s’ everyday lives, even though in theory, I am totally opposed to this! So last week, we started something new: Sugar Free Weekdays. And it was a total fail! A goal like this takes serious planning… something I underestimated! But I […]

Our Seventh Annual Christmas Eve Fondue

When Little Foodie was four, he had his first crush. We were sitting around the table, all taking turns dipping into the fondue pot. We have a silly little rule, that if you drop a piece of food into the fondue, you have to kiss the person sitting next to you. He purposefully dropped one of his […]

On Tending Gardens and Children

As you read this title, I can imagine you are thinking to yourself, “How does a gardening and gluten-free food blog end up with thoughts on parenting?!” Well if you’re still reading, I’ll tell you why… because my family fuels much of what I do. I didn’t really think much about growing food until I started growing […]